What Is Coda

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The third movie in the 'Godfather' saga deals with Michael's last shot to take his family away from the world of crime. But fate and circumstance pull him back in, as he ends up paying the steepest of prices in what director Coppola once described as 'the nightmare of nightmares.'

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The first thing to say about 'Coda' is that represents the exact opposite approach to Coppola's own 'Apocalypse Now /Redux' re-release from years past. Instead of aiming to bolster and enrich his film with previously deleted scenes, Coppola simply repositions some of them and takes out several lines from what is the most dialogue-laden, least contemplative entry in his trilogy. As a result, he hurries the pace and gets to the point quicker, a strategy that works well with the Immobiliare Corporation takeover (the MacGuffin and least interesting part of this feature). But Coppola inexplicably eliminates some memorable moments and lines as well ('Name the person and I will name my price,' or 'You were so loved Don Tomassino, why was I so feared?').

  • Coda, (Italian: 'tail') in musical composition, a concluding section (typically at the end of a sonata movement) that is based, as a general rule, on extensions or reelaborations of.
  • ‘The Godfather Part III' was a good movie with notable flaws, but ‘Coda's new beginning and ending emphasize what the trilogy is all about.
  • CoDa is a common abbreviation of Compositional Data Analysis. Compositions are typically sets of values or amounts that quantify the breakdown of a whole into its constitutent parts. For example, consider the split of the waking day between different activity types (Sedentary, Light Activity, Moderate to Vigorous Activity) = (60%, 30%, 10%).

The original cut of 'The Godfather, Part III' was designed with a similar structure to those of its predecessors. The film opened with a party where the Don in turn would listen to his guests' requests, and it ended with the murders of several of his enemies. Still, both editions of the third 'Godfather' movie have a different feel than Part One and Part Two. The third film is more of a Shakespearean tragedy in which the subtle character reactions of the first two films are a distant memory (just compare Don Corleone's response upon learning about Sonny's death to Michael's when he goes through the same ordeal, or even to that of the woman in Sicily crying hysterically over the murder of Don Tomassino). The plot in the third film is also advanced more by way of dialogue than by the action itself, with a now very talkative Michael Corleone. Rhinoceros 5 4 – versatile 3d modeler layout.

Moreover, there is a crucial difference between the third 'Godfather' film and its two predecessors. While the main theme for the first two movies was the deep bond between siblings and the occasional deep hate that could arise from them, in this third feature it's the even deeper love between a parent and a child that fuels the story, forcing Michael to finally try what he always promised: to leave a world he swore never to join but where he always seemed more than a bit comfortable. Maybe Coppola changed the focus with this third film because by then Michael had lost most of those close to him, but it seems to me that Coppola simply tried to make a different movie based on his own life experiences at that point in time.

What is CODA?

The CODA software is a toolkit from which data acquisition systems may be constructed. In order for the toolkit to make any sense a the model for data acquisition has to be understood. The data acquisition system is constructed from modular components (usually programs) which are spread over a network of processors. The primary function of each component is to take data from some input source(s), manipulate it and pass it to an output. The components are distributed and interconnected in such a way that the overall result is that data from a detector is collected and archived on long term storage media. The components are acted upon by a group of utilities which perform such functions as configuration, data flow control and monitoring the 'health' of the system.

The CODA system is currently under continuous development as the needs of experimenters evolve. The first virson of CODA reached stability with version 1.5 which is supported on HP HP-UX, Sun Solaris and DEC ULTRIX machines.

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    Author's note Although ULTRIX versions of CODA 1.5 binaries still exist ULTRIX was taken out of service at Jefferson lab in fall 1998. We now have no operational ULTRIX machines to perform bug fixes etc at Jefferson lab. CODA versions above 2.x were never tested on ULTRIX.

Version 2.0 of CODA was developed between 1994 and 1998 to meet the needs of the CLAS detector. Version 2.1 was released late in 1998 for general use at Jefferson lab where it has almost completely replaced CODA 1.5. CODA is currently (January 1999) supported on the Solaris and Linux operating systems. The archive browser 1 11 1.

Data acquisiton system layout

In the 1970's early 1980's most data acquisition systems designed followed the pattern of a central hostmachine connected to a tree like structure, for example a CAMAC branch highway or FASTBUS segment interconnect, the leaves on which were digitising electronics. There was very little processing power outside the central host. The introduction of the microprocessor lead to increasing embedded processing power outside the central host. The data acquisition architecture was still relatively unmodified the central host pulled data from the front end systems. In the mid 1980's a new architecture emerged in which much more of the processing power was in the embedded processors which pushed data downstream. The push architecture lead to the development of the shared memory event builder. In this system the embedded processors have direct interfaces to a memory area which is shared between all the embedded processors and the host machine. The embedded controllers push data into the memory and the host pulls it out in the correct sequence to generate complete events.

    Historical noteThe first design of a data acquisition system for the CLAS detector took the form of embedded FASTBUS processors interfaced to a shared memory event builder.

The problem with this architecture was that much of the hardware and all of the software was usually custom designed. This was time consuming and costly.

Sometime in the late 1980'2 early 1990's several groups started work on the same idea. Commercial network hardware was approaching the data bandwidth of the custom build datalinks used for data acquisition at a much lower cost. Also high speed network switches were being designed for the telecomunications industry which looked amazingly similar in function to the shared memory event builder. The idea was to link the embedded controllers to a commercial network switch which could then be linked to one, or more, host machines. Essentially the network switch would take the place of the custom built event builder. This model was chosen for CODA since it has several clear advantages over other models including, low cost, ease of maintainance, scalability, ease of upgrade.

CODA follows a model where a data acquisition system is composed of distributed heterogenous processors connected by a network. The first systems transfered data over 10 Mbit/S Ethernet, Hall C installed FDDI and achieved 30Mbit/S. There was a breif period where ATM was investigated for hall B but this medium was overtaken by 100Mbit/S Ethernet and was to costly to implement on a large scale. As of fall 1998 all major DAQ systems at Jefferson lab were using 100Mbit/S Ethernet. The CLAS detector uses four 100Mbit/S links in parallel for a sustained transfer of over 11Mbyte/S. (the limiting factor here is the RAID disk drive used to buffer the data on the host machine).

In coda the embedded processors can be in CAMAC, FASTBUS or VME. The CODA software is designed to be extremely portable however as of Jabuary 1999 the only real-time operating system supported on the embedded controllers is VxWorks. CODA has been ported to linux but as of January 1999 we have not yet tested real time Linux for embedded processors. We are also investigating LynxOS.

Data flow

In CODA a hierachy of processes manipulate the flow of data from the detector to a storage device. Fore Example:

What Is Coda Accreditation

Wifispoof 3 4. A typical small data acquisition system could look like..

Here different components of a detector are read out by embedded controllers ('Readout Controllers' or 'ROCs'). The data is buffered in the controller and when enough data has accumulated it is transmitted over the network. The buffering in the controllers is critical to reducing the overhead required to run a commercial network protocol such as TCP/IP. When running at low data rate CODA switches into a less efficient method of data transmission where events are passed over the network one at a time.

Since the data for a particular event is spread over data streams from several embedded controllers it is necessary to merge the data streams. This function is performed by the 'Event Builder' (EB) which caches incoming buffers of events from the different controllers then merges the data streams in such a way that data which was taken concurrently in time (i.e. belongs to the same 'event' in the detector) appears together. The event builder also formats the outgoing data stream and provides some measure of flow control to incoming and outgoing data.

The event builder in CODA is a software event builder runs as a UNIX process and inserts formatted events into a burrer manager called the 'data distirbution system' (DD). The DD system uses UNIX shared memory protected by inter process semaphores to allow many processes access to the same events for analysis, filtering, monitoring, display etc.

The data distribution system may be configured to direct the data stream to an event recorder process which stores the events in a format of the user's choice. In contrast to other data acquisition software suites CODA does not have the capability to write tapes directly. The philosophy is that data will be written to high speed RAID disk arrays and archived to tape by commercially availible software such as OSM. For example hall B data will be written to a RAID array backed up by the computer center to a StorageTek tape silo.

The event builder and event recorder are designed so that they are relatively independent of the event format. There is a default CODA data format but the user can supply shared libraries for the event builder and event recorder which generate and write events in any format. For example halls A and C use CODA format which hall B (CLAS) use BOS and FPACK.

Control and monitoring

Clearly a CODA system can become complex and therfore difficult to control and monitor due to its distributed nature. Several tools are availible to make these tasks easier:

  • RunControl is the main GUI for CODA it provides the user with the ability to chose a configuration for a particular data taking run and control all aspects of data taking. RunControl is written in C++ and contains an internal representation of all of the components of the data acquisition system. The main departure between the CODA 2.0 and 1.5 RunControl programs is the ability to have multiple 'sessions where more than one user can use different components from a common pool. For example different detector development groups working on different aspects of the detector at the same time.
  • cmlog provides a centeral message recording and reporting faclilty for CODA. Each CODA component may post a message using the subroutine dalogmsg(class,fmt,..), giving a message classification, a printf like format string and a variable list of arguments. The message is time-stamped and tagged with the process id and other usefull information by the message source. The cmlog system has the ability to display the formatted messages, according to selection criteria, on one or more X-window displays. cmlog is a third party package in that it was written by Jie Chen who used to work for the data acquisition group but actually wrote it for the Jefferson lab accelerator control group.
  • CDEV and CODA CDEV service
  • CDEV is a whole world by itself, see the web page, in short it is a common C/C++ API to control systems. The idea is that the user should not have to know in depth details of the control system but should be able to send simple plain text commands to named objects. The RunControl server for CODA communicates with the RunControl GUI via a C++ communication library called ACE, CODA includes a CDEV service which uses ACE to communicate with the RunControl server.
  • CODA contains a large number of component packages which are 'glued' into applications using the TCL scripting language. One advantage of this approach is that the 'informed user' has direct access to the internals of many CODA components. The xevent utility is written in TCL and uses the CODA inter-process communication system to extract the current event count from any CODA component and display it in an X-window display.
  • The xpart program is also written in Tcl and provides a mechanism for displaying the state of the internal buffer manager on any ROC.

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