Icab 5 9 2 – Alternative Web Browser

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ICab is a web browser for Mac OS by Alexander Clauss, derived from Crystal Atari Browser (CAB) for Atari TOS compatible computers. It was one of the few browsers still updated for the classic Mac OS prior to that version being discontinued after version 3.0.5 in 2008; today Classilla is the only browser still maintained for that OS. The downloadable product is fully functional, but is. ICab is yet another alternative for navigating the internet, and tries to incorporate by default all sorts of useful functions. User friendly web browser packed with various functionalities Since.

Multiple choice questions

The covariance is:

Answer choices

  1. All of these.
  2. A measure of the strength of relationship between two variables.
  3. Dependent on the units of measurement of the variables.
  4. An unstandardized version of the correlation coefficient.

How much variance has been explained by a correlation of .9?

Answer choices

  1. 18%
  2. 9%
  3. 81%
  4. None of these

A correlation of .7 was found between time spent studying and percentage on an exam. What is the proportion of variance in exam scores that can be explained by time spent studying?

Icab 5 9 2 – Alternative Web Browsers

Answer choices

  1. .70
  2. .49
  3. .30
  4. .7

Rank the score of 5 in the following set of scores:

9, 3, 5, 10, 8, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4

Answer choices

  1. 4.5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 6

If Pearson's correlation coefficient between stress level and workload is .8, how much variance in stress level is not accounted for by workload?

Answer choices

  1. 20%
  2. 2%
  3. 8%
  4. 36%
Gopher is a well-known information access protocol that predates theWorld Wide Web, developed at the University of Minnesota during theearly 1990s. Whatis Gopher? (Gopher-hosted, via the Public Proxy)

This proxy is for Gopher resources only -- using it to access websiteswon't work and is logged!

As the Gopher protocol enters its second decade of existence, its supportamong many major browsers has declinedor has been expunged entirely (Microsoft Internet Explorer), if thebrowser even ever supported it at all (Opera and Safari never have).

To allow Gopherspace to continue tobe usefully accessible in the coming years, since it's still definitely aviable and useful(not to mention lightweight and efficient) informationdistribution protocol, the Public Proxy offers a standards-based, effectiveGopher<->HTTP gateway to facilitate access even when your web browser doesn't.

Who does need this proxy?:Support for Gopherdoes not exist in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and later,Microsoft Edge (all versions),Google Chrome (all versions),Apple Safari (all versions),Mozilla versions 2.0 and later andall derivatives (includingFirefox 57+ (installOverbiteWX),Firefox 4 through 56, TenFourFox 4+ and SeaMonkey2.1+ (installOverbiteFF)),Opera (all versions),Vivaldi (all versions),Brave (all versions),iCab (all versions),or Netscape 5 (inclusive) to before v6.2.3.Support for Gopher is brokenin Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, 5 and 6 (a registry hack isrequired to enable Gopher in IE 6);Mozilla versions before 1.8 and all derivatives (including Netscape 6.2.3-7.x, Firefox 0.x-1.0.x,Camino < 1.0 and any Chimera);NCSA Mosaic (all versions -- tryMosaic-CK);Konqueror (all versions);OmniWeb (prior to 5.9.2);Arachne (all versions).See this document(Gopher-hosted, via the Public Proxy). Submit your testing tockaiser@floodgap.com.

Are you accessing this site with Firefox 57+?Download OverbiteWXto restore Gopher support in-browser!

Who doesn't need this proxy?: You do NOT need this proxyif you are usingany version of Lynx, Firefox 1.5 through 3.6 (or TenFourFox withOverbiteFFor Firefox 57+ withOverbiteWX),any derivative of Mozilla 1.8 through 1.9.2 (including Camino,SeaMonkey 1.1 and 2.0.x,and Netscape 9, or anySeaMonkey with OverbiteFF),Classilla 9.0 or higher,OmniWeb5.9.2 or higher,Netscape 4.8 or lower,the original webTV Internet Explorer,Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x or lower,or HyperLink 2.5aor higher. See this document(Gopher-hosted). Submit your testing to ckaiser@floodgap.com.

If you use one of these browsers, please browse the Floodgap.com gopherdirectly. Note that some browsers arelimited to port 70. This proxy allows access on other non-maliciousport numbers, so you may still need this proxy for gopher servers hostedon unusual ports.

What does this proxy support? What does this proxy not support?:Supported features include most standard Gopher-internaltypes and representations, indexed search server support, caps properties,and both light and full proxy views. Currently unsupported featuresinclude Gopher+ and CSO. Also, this proxy does not allow HTTP requestsand will remap them into 302 redirects. You should not consider thisproxy to be anonymous, as it is not designed to be a complete filter,you may be directly connected to a remote host at any time, and serverlogs and aggregated statistics may be used to look at Gopherspace usagetrends. Also, toreduce abuse of Floodgap's seriously overloaded uplink, the connection israte limited and may be slowed if the server is busy. Run a local clientif you can.

Your usage is governedby Floodgap Terms of Service.Don't use this service unless you agree to be bound by its regulations.

General Information on Gopher

Where can I find a specific Gopher client for my platform?:The Overbite Project develops plugins andstandalone clients for many mobile and desktop operating systems andenvironments. There are also many clients available for legacy systemswhich additionally support niches such as Gopher+. Here is aselection of clientsfor multiple major platforms, including source where available,including Macintosh, various Unix and Unices, and Microsoft Windows(Gopher-hosted, via the Public Proxy).

Where do gopher wranglers hang out? Where can I find out how toput up my own server?: Usenet comp.infosystems.gopheroccasionally has discussions relevant to gopherspace. Many Gopherwranglers and gophermasters (depending on your preference) also reada mailing list maintained at other.debian.org (subscription information, Gopher-hosted, via the Public Proxy).

What standards govern Gopher?: Gopher is based on RFC 1436; arelated protocol set called Gopher+ proposes various extensions to itthat is also supported by many specialized Gopher clients (not this one).Here is a collectionof specifications (Gopher-hosted, via the Public Proxy).

Icab 5 9 2 – Alternative Web Browser For Iphone

Why do only some gopher sites display the path breadcrumb menu?:The Proxy supports 'caps,' short for capability lists, a file you can placeon a gopher server to tell a client about what specific capabilities it hasand how to understand its filesystem. Not every gopher server has this fileinstalled; because many older gopher servers may use alien non-POSIX paths,the Proxy makes no assumptions without it. If you want to add this supportto your server, simply copyFloodgap'scaps.txt file, modify it to taste, and place it in your gopherroot mount such that the selector caps.txt will fetch it. It maytake up to a half hour for this to be noticed, as the Proxy intentionallycaches failure to avoid hitting sites too hard.

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